Standard elementary education in Nigeria is a critical foundation for children’s learning and development. It refers to the basic education provided to children typically between the ages of 6 and 14 years. It is designed to provide foundational knowledge, skills, and values necessary for further education and personal development.

This level of education usually covers primary education, which consists of six years of schooling, and sometimes includes an additional three years of junior secondary education.

To achieve a proper standard education in Nigeria, there is the need for teachers to be trained and equipped on the proper ways to handle children. The teachers are supposed to be trained and knowledgeable on aspects like Dignity, privacy and respect, communication and reporting, fire safety, health, emergency first aid, diversity and human rights, equality amongst others.

Standard elementary education is crucial for several reasons:
1. Foundation for Further Education: It lays the groundwork for higher levels of education, such as secondary and tertiary education.

2. Personal Development: It helps children develop essential life skills, including critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills, literacy, numeracy, which are crucial for personal and professional development.

3. Socio-economic Development: It contributes to the overall development of society by producing skilled and knowledgeable individuals who can contribute to the economy and society.

4. Reduction of Poverty and Inequality: Education is a key factor in reducing poverty and inequality. Standard elementary education provides children with access to quality education and training facility.

Challenges Facing Standard Elementary Eduaction in Nigeria.
Despite its importance, standard elementary education in Nigeria faces several challenges, including:
1. Inadequate Funding: The education sector in Nigeria is often underfunded, leading to a lack of resources for schools and teachers.

2. Poor Infrastructure: Many schools lack basic facilities such as classrooms, furniture, and teaching materials, which affects the quality of education.

3. Teacher Shortage: There is a shortage of qualified teachers, especially in rural areas, leading to overcrowded classrooms and poor teacher-student ratios.

4. Quality of Education: The quality of education in Nigeria is often low, with outdated curriculum and teaching methods.

Ways to Improve Standard Elementary Education in NIgeria.
To improve standard elementary education in Nigeria, several steps can be taken, including:
1. Increase Funding: The government should allocate more funds to the education sector to improve infrastructure, provide training for teachers, and develop curriculum materials.

2. Improve Teacher Training: Teachers should undergo regular training to improve their skills and teaching methods.

3. Curriculum Review: The curriculum should be regularly reviewed to ensure it is relevant and meets the needs of students and society.

4. Community Involvement: Communities should be involved in the education process to ensure that schools are meeting the needs of their children.